
Friday, 15 June 2012

The Inner Curcle by Evelyn Lozado:Review

So i just recently bought the kindle version of "Then Inner Circle", for those of you who do not know this is a book written by Evelyn Lozado of the Basketball Wives fame. The reasons why l bought this book are simple, i love the reality show, l love to read and i feel in love with Karrine Stefans "The Vixen Series" and thought this would be something along the same line except with athletes. I must admit my love for relationship with athletes also drew me to this book.

I must say i was really disappointed, although l probably shouldn't have read it right after reading "The Joys of Motherhood", l just had really high expectations. The book reads like young adult fiction and i feel it lacks a lot of maturity as a work of literature. Of course it is flying of the selves but l would guess only for the reason that  the "writer" is  a celebrity.

When will people learn that not everyone is a writer, it just does not work like that! Its a decent book but l just find it boring after a few pages and l skipped through most of the pages that l did read. The writer tries very hard to conjurer up this strong heroine but just fails and the little dram that she does try to intensify just feels too exaggerated.

Not one of my favorite reads and if i could l would definitely return the book fr something by Isabel Allende.

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